My life changes on the daily, I almost can promise. I'm hoping soon this little feature will slow down a minute so I can organize myself, but something is always coming at me I don't expect. In all fairness, it's done wonders for my inability to take changes well. I used to get so mad when a plan would change, especially last minute, because I was so tied to the original plans. No more! I'm learning more and more to just go with the flow because, well, it seems it all turns out ok in the end either way.
Last weekend I celebrated my birthday in Washington with friends. I made sushi, went on a bike ride, did a little rock climb, did a lot of Crossfit, rode a fairy to Friday Harbor, slept a lot, made a tart, and had fun! I'm building relationships with people in the new state, and it makes it much less intimidating to make a move as such. Packing however, is a beast of its own! I've been working on it for about 3 weeks, and I'm also in the middle of a unit switch which, as I know now, takes a lot of paperwork!
Yea, no more engineering or bridges for me! I wanted this job before I shipped but had already signed to be an engineer, and while I probably could've switched, I'd guess the paperwork was too daunting for even the recruiter. I'm now in a unit in WA, and I'm reclassing to be a linguist! I have to take the DLAB to know my language or if I'm even a good fit for the job, I'm crossing my fingers as to yes because I want the job very badly. If I make the cut, I go and learn a language and do a second AIT. This job holds lots of possibilities, like AGR as I was told by my unit this week. Some great news like the aforementioned comes to me daily. Not always military related, but something good happens, and I have no idea why me, but I'm certainly not going to complain and just stand in awe at how many opportunities I'm being afforded and how many choices I'm being given.
I move on Tuesday, and it will be a circus act to get it done, but it will get done! I have to pick up my truck at 8, movers come to load it at 9, my friend comes to drive my car up at 10, we have to unload a few things at the new house and then get to the storage unit by 3 for another set of movers to unload the truck, then drop the truck off, bring my friend back here, and go back. I think I estimated being back around midnight. Talk about a long tiring day. But it will be over, and I'll only have to come back and clean the old place, turn in keys, and waste some more gas.
As for a little random life update and to open myself to a world of judgement and criticism, I'm loving crossfit and the variety every day, and I'm Paleo too. Yea, chop my head off with a spoon people, I'm living my life and loving it. You know, I didn't understand at all people's hate for such things or lack of accommodation until I talked with a friend of mine who does the same things, but also deals with a market of people from all walks. I was always offended and frustrated when I would come across people that would be frustrated themselves with my past and current eating or lifestyle choices. When I expressed this to him, he helped me understand that when you tell someone that you're avoiding something for your health, or because it makes you feel bad, or you want to lose weight, or what ever your reason is, they take it as a reflection on themselves that you're being healthier than they are and it tends to cause them to be perhaps bitter or defensive in odd ways. They may not even realize that's why they're reacting as such, or even that they are, but they are. I always figured if you choose to eat or live a certain way, that's your life and body and your choices. Anyhow, I'm loving my journey to health versus low body weight, and the people that are supporting me shock me and make me feel so loved because they show a desire for me to be healthy and happy through their support. I used to get bored of lifting because I was doing the same thing time after time, and now, nope, it's new daily, long, short, different movements, and I'm finally learning the oly lifts which I wanted to!
The Ferry to Vashton island. |
Making sushi |
At Friday Harbor with good friends! |
A dairy free birthday! |
Some serious Sashimi :) |