Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Life is in Your Control

     So my job is HARD. My last job could be, but I've never done something like this. Something else about it, it doesn't support me. So I work hard, become stressed, and even more stressed because finances get tighter and training gets worse due to exhaustion.
     Yesterday, I made the decision to go back into school. What does this mean? My entire finances are covered. I still work to pay off the difference between in state and out of state, and I work to save up what I've spent. This is the biggest stress reliever I've had since I moved. The move has been much more seamless than I anticipated. I love it here, and I literally can now complain about nothing. Hand? Relationship? Money? Hating work? Well, the hand is my own fault, and it's healing so well! Relationship... I'm so much more understanding about work, I mean, he came and did the dishes after we ate.... could I ask for more? Nope. Money? I'm now adequately taken care of, and I still have income. Hating work? I so.. and I'm applying elsewhere, but so many people don't have jobs, enjoyable coworkers, etc. It'll be ok.
     Training is going. Slower with this injury, but like I said, self caused. So I train with adaptions. I'm still reverse dieting, still refeeding, super happy with it all.
     I have this thing about dressing up. Since it's rare I get to, I love to. SO, this week is "restaurant week" in Salem, so Saturday Travis and I are dressing up and hitting a fancy restaurant for about half price. Super excited, and it's a 3 course meal!
     I'm brief because it's super hard to type :-)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Someone say Cheesecake?

     So.... A lot's been going on since I last spoke. July 26 I moved from Corvallis to Salem. It was an incredibly rushed day as I had to be at work training that day as well, and everything didn't fit into my moving truck. "Towner" and "Brandon" moved me, and yes... that's his real name! That same day, during my dinner break at work, I located a body building teammate who I'd never met, that was stranded in the same city in which I work.
     I picked up Blake, he waited while I finished, and I took him to my box filled apartment. This boy.... was a blessing I couldn't have imagined. First off, I didn't have to stay alone in a new place. I did in the first apartment, but it's hard, and it doesn't feel homie with boxes everywhere. He happened to be a morning person, and I feel like I met the best friend I always wanted hah! He pretty much completely unpacked me, we lifted, made burgers, just chilled. He went home Sunday morning, also the planned celebration day for my birthday the following day as Travis works Mondays. Sunday didn't at all go as planned, and was quite a tough day emotionally. Monday came, I hit up Cheesecake Factory with my brother and travis, and had a wonderful lunch. Both Sunday and Monday, I indulged in what ever I wanted, and it was great. I had vietnamese Tacos, and my mom and sister celebrated from TN; Blake also celebrated from WA!

     I worked again starting that Wednesday, the same day Travis left town unexpectedly. Work... oh I cried after every shift. It's a two person job, that they only want to pay one for. It's rushing non stop, and it's just pure exhausting. Travis' phone died, so I was left to just be with myself Thursday-Sunday. I think it was a great thing to happen. After the birthday mishap, and work really stressing me out, it was kind of like pushing an emotional reset button. Come Saturday and Sunday, I was doing well at adjusting to work. I'm currently working 4 days a week, and all days. It's hard to find the energy to hit the gym, but I get nights off to do things I need to, cook, see my boyfriend. It's a very great set up!
     Yesterday, when I finally did get to talk to and see Travis, he epically surprised me by taking me to the restaurant I wanted to go to for my birthday that ended up being closed. He then fixed my lamp, set up some speakers, and it was a glorious night! Now, I have 3 more days of work this week, 2 more days in the gym, things to hang on the walls at home, and a whole lot of smiling to do!