Thursday, March 1, 2012

Here Goes A Little Thing Called LIFE!

     Well world. I'm ready! I've been dipping my toes in here and there, but I think I'll just hop in and sink or swim now! This day, has been epic. Reasons I can't completely enclose, but epic. As I spread earlier, I'm moving to Oregon beginning of June. Don't know how it's going to go, or where it will take me, but I'll be on some road to something, that's for sure! Money? Have to learn to manage it. Boyfriend? No not back together. Parents? Yes, sad to leave them. Work? Requesting a transfer. School? Taking the year off. Some days I'm scared, and some I dream about all the possibilities that are in the future.
     Work out life? Still loving having a coach, and really loving getting to know another person. I'm generally pretty good at keeping up with people once a stage of life ends, so when I'm quite involved, I like to know everything I can about them. As time goes on, I'll keep asking about those things. I signed up for 3 more months, while I still have money to do so. I'm still bulking my little muscle out, heart counts too, it's a muscle. We (yes, it was collaborative) decided I WILL get to cut for summer after all. I do realize some would be content with the physique I already have, but I have bigger aspirations than what the average may want. I want numbers that surprise people. Right now, they surprise me. Some day it'll be someone else too though. I'm 2 months in, 7 pounds up, and I definitely know I'm 7lbs up. Boobs, butt, thighs, whoa! But it's ok, I'm trusting the process. Which, has taken quite awhile to adjust to, especially after working years to lose it. I eat. I eat a lot. I lift 4 days, and I make Personal Records every time I'm at the gym. And Surprising ones at that. I'll be back to gaining come fall, when sweaters are in fashion ;-) This makes me want to get the most out of the next 4-6wks, and kill it though. I say over and over when someone says "you always work out hard...." Well, nothing good was ever accomplished without a lot of effort.
     School? It's spring break kids. I'll be working, don't worry. No roofies and vodka for me. Definitely no bikinis, haha. I've done adequately thus far. A couple weeks work got in the way, but this week I've had a minute to breathe and I'm liking it.

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