Sunday, March 25, 2012

I Hate Coupons.

     Coupons save money, but they bring the wrath of a stampede with them. 8 nights in a row the restaurant I work at has been over run with coupon bearing people. I pray when Opry Mills opens next weekend that they steal service. We're actually closed today because we're out of food and too tired to work. I've been rolling silverware on the spot the past two nights because people didn't have any. I've seen servers or managers crying daily, I've seen cold food served, and workers from other restaurants come to try and save us. While they weren't knights in shining armor, we would've been so much worse without them. I've never worked so much in my life, and I'm ok with that! I've been making great money, but I'm so tired. I've had failed gym trips, killer leg and back pain, and sleep deprivation. People think "try working 60 hours a week!" Hey why don't you try working where I do? The workers are great, but when you're immensely under-staffed, there's no way to be successful. It's beyond me why we seem to be the only store getting hit like this. It all started with me, Sunday night. I picked up a shift making my day a double, and within an hour I had 10 tables simultaneously. I was saved by managers, as I was the only server in the entire front of house. But since then, it's been the same way every night. Last night I was a busser and I had 3 tables. Bussers buss, they don't serve. I can't leave the servers to drown though, especially since I know how it feels. That's like when I get a server as a customer and they tip badly. Wait wut?? Not appropriate! It makes me want to go give them no tip and see how they feel. No hypocrite here though. Maybe that's why I don't eat out :)
     I have 3 tests in school this week, none of which have been studied for, and a chapter of homework due in spanish tomorrow night. Oh I made a lunch date tomorrow, and a tanning date, and I have 3 friends coming from out of town this weekend. I can admit though, that I am beyond happy I work and have a job. For one, it's liberating to deposit money you made into an account, and for two, I sit around when I don't work, and that's awful to me.
     I met with my mother yesterday to work on move semantics.... This is going to be strategic, and a process, but it will be an adventure in the end. There's so many details to figure out, and packing to be done, and nerves to be calmed, and school to be finished.
     And this, my friends, is the story of how I make it through my life.

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