Saturday, December 8, 2012

OH BOY! It's the Holidays!

     Life is ever changing, and as a person with the love of being busy, and needing variety, I'm so thankful it is! One minute you have decided what's going on, where your'e going, your goals and desires, then something completely unexpected comes up. Sometimes that thing is an open door, sometimes it's something that closes a door you wanted open. The things happening in my life these days aren't massive life changing events, but they're great things. After the past 5 months, I've found myself again; the driven, smiling, active girl, who gives her all to those around her.
     Everyone knows I'm not a reader, heck, that's why this blog was ever started! The blog started when I read crazy love, two years ago I believe it was, and that was the last book I read. I was recommended the book "No Easy Day", the story of killing Osama Bin Laden, and was in love instantly. I finished the book of 300 pages in 36 hours, and continued to download a second war story read. Reading recently has done two things for me; reading has given me a distraction in my moments of boredom when I tend to eat, and it's also broadened my knowledge. I'm a huge believer in learning everything you physically can, no matter how small or big the information may be.
     I've learned about myself, that when I'm tired, or don't feel good, I become dramatic. Not in a trouble causing way, in a complaining kind of way, or over reacting to situations. Being so in touch with everything going on in my body isn't always an advantage. I gain a pound of water weight, and I feel it like I'm pregnant. I have several days where I just want to about die because I feel like crap. I've always been an optimist, but those days really get the best of me. I was down in it yesterday, didn't want to go to the gym, but decided not going wasn't an option. A friend had given me two new CD's I hadn't ever heard, so I popped on my Ipod, hit the gym, and as I walked in started to list everything going awesome in my life. The good grades I just received, the tuition discount I randomly got, that I get to go home so soon, that my WO was going amazing, and I have a job I love. I finished beasting it out in the gym, sat for a moment, and went to do cardio. The cardio classes here are all a hour, and honestly, to give it all you can for an hour is definitely pushing it. I knew that my bad day needed to end right there, and I had an opportunity to leave it with the sweat on the floor. I started that cardio, and pushed harder than I have in ages. That very moment, when time seemed to fly and I panted, I knew I was coming back to who I was, and fast.
     As I contrast 3 months ago to now, getting broken up with is just about the best step that could've happened. I was a prisoner is some ways to that relationship. In multiple instances I was told I would be fixed, I felt I had to tip toe some in order to stay in it, and I felt I would be alone here without it. I can't say I'm glad I ever was in it to begin with, but it did give me great appreciation for who I am, and my happiness. I feel such freedom now to be who I am, it's wonderful. At first, I thought about coming home again, then after 2 weeks of sticking it out, I realized staying is what will push me to grow, and bear great opportunity to be the person I am.
     Coming into these holidays, I may feel like junk physically, and I may not be in the same state as my family right now, but I have myself. Holidays are always a time to reflect, and I'm choosing to look at the good I posses, the friends around me, the family, the emotional richness, the health, the wealth, the never give up spirit.
     Stop and look.

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