Sunday, January 1, 2012

And a New Year Begins.

     Every year I set new goals. Not resolutions... I don't feel like those are generally kept. I set attainable, and healthy goals that I feel should happen within a year. Last years....

  1. Get a job  
  2. Be more respectful (work in progress)  
  3. Pray for the world (via Operation World)
  4. Go to CO  
  5. Pay my mom back (I owe her almost $1,000)
  6. Graduate high school with a ≥3.5  
  7. Hug more (and longer :))  

They are generally successful! This year?

  1. Add 10lbs to my Barbell Row, Lat Pull Down, and Incline Bench
  2. Retain my Bodyweight Bench Press
  3. Start a true bulk
  4. Appreciate people for the little things
  5. Try making my own sammich bread.
  6. Improve my verbal expression of my feelings.
     2011 brought SO much to me.. My first relationship, moving out, starting college, graduating high school, having a relationship with my parents, getting a job, going on my first vacation alone as an adult, and so much more. I've done things I regret, and I've done things I'm thankful I'm able to do. I've overcome eating issues, I've made new friends, I've lost friends, I've had a great year.
     I've grown away from God, which, saddens me as I look at how close I was just a year ago. I'll be back there when I'm ready. But I'm not ready right now.

Things I recommend from 2011?

  1. Buy "21" (Adele)
  2. Eat Peanut Butter Daily. It's the same effect as the apple a day ;-)
  3. Go to church
  4. Make your bed daily.
  5. Get to where you like what you see in the mirror.
  6. Realize that people don't owe you anything.
  7. Be alright with not having "everything". Less is ok.
  8. Take chances on people.
  9. But "Sigh No More" (Mumford & Sons)
  10. Don't love shallowly.. Put it all out there. You'll get hurt.. But it's more than worth it.
  11. Let men open doors for you.
  12. Don't feel guilty for what you eat. You have a very large margin for error.
  13. Take a lot of pictures.
  14. Take the time to walk outside.

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