Friday, June 15, 2012

What's the Plan? Let's Go.

     As I was driving home from work last night, something occurred that made me think to myself "When someone chooses to exit your life, they don't understand the impact it has on you." Then I quickly also realized, I wonder if I'm doing that to anyone in this process. My word choice there is crucial. Chooses to Exit. We're not talking about keeping in touch, we're talking about making a conscious decision to not be part of someone's life. While I'm not deliberately choosing to unfriend anyone, I very well know from my last long distance move, that this will be inevitable and it's ok. I'm not good at keeping in touch with people that don't make an effort to keep in touch as well, and I don't care to chase people to hear how they're doing when they have no desire to share it with me. I lurk, facebook stalk people to keep up with their lives, but there isn't always something to be said. ..I'm just rambling.
     Today is my last down day before the partying starts, thank God. Yesterday was great; I hit the gym with a friend, packed a ton with my mom, the whole ...eating lunch on the floor because everywhere is covered with crap awesomeness, worked and enjoyed it. Tomorrow, I work twice and I lift, Sunday I work and my parents are coming over to pack all my electronics, and it's my last day here. Monday, I pick up the moving truck, wash towels and bedding, pack anything left, dance, lift, fix my car insurance, Tuesday the movers come to move everything into my truck, I lift, I dance, I tan. Wednesday, I lift, I get to clean the whole apartment and do a walk through to make sure it's clean, and I pick up Travis who is driving with me, then a farewell dinner with the most special people to me. Thursday morning, I lift and leave. It'll take 4 days to drive, we'll stop in Kansas City, Missouri, Sidney NE, and Twin Falls Idaho. None of which I've ever been to. I'll end in Portland, Or, spending the night with my brother, then heading down Monday morning to get my keys and move in! My parents and friend from AU come in Tuesday, so the only thing I will get unpacked most likely, is my bed and my kitchen. My parents are rushing off to WA while I hang with my friend, then they come back to hang things and set up my TV, etc. As soon as they leave, I start work at my new job, so who knows when unpacking will occur. Not sure when internet will happen or anything like that. But groceries will quickly be bought, and a shower curtain! Protein bars and powerade zero have been bought, casein has been weighed, trying to be good.
     To my excitement, work, the grocery store, the bus stop, home depot, and starbucks are all within walking distance. Also, there are 3 vegetarian restaurants within 2 miles. Epicness. As far as my cut, it's of course still on, un sure how I'll do through the 2 weeks of madness, but last time I was in OR, I lost 2lb, so who knows! That was including a voodoo donuts trip ;) My excitement is strong. Just anticipation shadowing me!

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