Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Waiting Game.

     Fortunately, at this point, I'm doing OK. Sure, financially I'm freaking out on the inside, but I feel like I'm home, just like I was in TN. I applied for a dining aid at an assisted living place, which I would love as it's slower paced but still the people, and I'm still waiting to hear from my Ruby T, and I applied many other places, but those are the two I'd like the most.
     My parents have left, I don't have a job, I move in 3 weeks to Salem, and I know no one in my town. It's the 4th, and I wish I had people to cook out with, but it can't all be perfect. I was going to go for a bike ride, but my crazy french valved tires aren't cooperating with being filled. I might make a cheesecake, or go for a walk, or just be lazy. I feel like I'm always lazy if I'm not working or working out, but again, it can't all be perfect. I'm going to keep on pressing the two jobs I desire the most, and keep applying. There's something out there somewhere waiting for me, and I'm going to find it.
     This next move I feel will be much harder than the first. Not in friendlessness, or joblessness, but in the actual move. The move to Salem will be the last for a long time, and I'll have to set up internet, electronics, shelves, arrange furniture, unpack everything, and finish the moving process for good. I don't want to imply that this scares me or something, but it's stuff I can't do alone. I can't attach the shelves to the walls, I can't move furniture alone so well, and unpacking is a massive emotional and time consuming feat. I have to call movers, power companies, cable companies, and repack anything I've unpacked before I leave for Sacramento the 23. I know it will get done, and Travis is there to help on the other end receiving and unpacking, but still a lot to get done.
     I feel though, as soon as a job is settled, much peace will be found. A job is an outlet to meet people, a means to a living, and a time filler. All of those are things I need right now, so it's my biggest concern. I go to a gym in Salem, I know people here in Oregon, and I don't feel completely lonely. I also have a new stereo to do my dancing alone, I have a kitchen table to fill that space in my new place, and I have a back up plan if money doesn't come through. Though I want more than anything to be able to succeed at supporting myself. My parents are positive it's going to happen, and I'm just pushing on doing what I can to make it so.
     My relationship with Travis has meshed better than I thought, though I still thought it would mesh well before I started the move, once we started it together, I wasn't sure where it was going to go. Words like "we'll try" were used rather than the "let's do it" that I was used to. However now, we seem well adjusted to having the other person much closer, and the limitations placed on our time via work and just life in general. A healthy balance is fast in the making, and the adjustment from all texting to actual physical time is going well. We play disk golf, hit the gym, eat, things "normal" people would do that we've never really gotten to do together.
     Now to adjust to living spending less than I'm used to. Not that I was a major spender before, but just have to learn to be careful. A great opportunity before I have to do it permanently.

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