Look at that. Control yourself.

These are orgasmic. Yes. I said it.

Ok, ok... I'll stop now. But you get the point. I need therapy.
I'm not NEARLY this creative. By anymeans. The best I've come up with recently, peanut butter and SF/FF Jello yogurt. Not interesting at all. Oh, there was a graham cracker in there too. But I forgot it, so I missed out on the full effect!
My creativity, I believe I've mentioned before, comes from a deficit. While not nearly as creative as my friend's here, and his is in a surplus. Either way... I need some pointers on that!
On a more personal note. Crappy day yesterday, crappppppy night last night. Got 5 hours of sleep, and I was just dead from all this studying and such. Today is definitely not a day off. Supposed to be meeting someone for coffee.... looking forward to a little one on one time with a person. Rare I get that.
Loving this right now.
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