I have a funny story for you. Of course, it happened at the gym. Where else, right? In all fairness, I had a funny moment at school, but I don't feel like telling them both, so I'm picking the better of the two.
Im at the barbell military press bench, have 70lb on the bar, which is a lot for me, and the angle on the thing is crappy. So all of the variables combined, I struggle to unrack the bar. Im all prepped, mirror is clear, I go to pick it up, and the right side is lifting slightly, but the left not at all. Being my last lift of the day, I thought I was just weak. I'm about to try again, and this little old guy, maybe 80, peers around, and starts talking, so I take out my headphones, and he's going "I'm so sorry!" I'm like...???? He then told me he was using the bar to stabilize himself while walking. No wonder I couldn't get it up! I laughed so hard at that haha.
Out of music class early from taking a test, and I decided to book it up to Rob Co Y to shake it. I've missed it immensely. I don't get to do a butt load of cardio these days, and I don't particularly want to, as I don't enjoy a whole lot more than walking and dancing. I don't get time to walk recreationally any more since school has started, just any walking I do on campus. I finished, and had tri's, chest, and shoulders to bust out. So I did. I went up on almost every lift... on depletion. I got to talk and catch up with people, and joke, and just enjoy it. I've made friends with one or two people at the Donelson Y, but I enjoy the personal connections I have there. So that's the title. I hit Pr's and I think it was all about the fact that I had people I care about and I was going to bust it out well :) I even had a spot for military presses. Really? Love it.
As for school, I'm chest deep. Probably more like nose deep. Maybe totally covered. Test today, two more on Wednesday, paper due Friday, appointment with advising on Friday, some new power point project due who knows when, quiz monday, you name it, it's happening. I enjoy school, but I don't enjoy total life domination by school. I just don't let it. I'm going to enjoy my life, if I get a C in a class. So sorry. I'm good-ish, except for a Gov. test Wednesday. It's massive, and the information is mostly derived from readings, which isn't how I learn. So it's a no win situation I feel.
I have no song for you. I can't think. Yes.... It's that bad.
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