So.... Lukewarm Christians is something we can look around and label others, quite easily usually, or sit here just reading this thinking about all the people we know may be one. Are you one? I know I hit a point where I realized you can only do so many alter calls and "re-savings" before you are either hopeless, or you just are tired of them. Or... you are actually part of the family and just can't recognize it quite yet. I've done probably 20... which shows my insecurity in my faith, right? I didn't think I was actually saved all those other times, or that I had sinned so much between that doing it again would some how fix something. It doesn't. I'm happy I've realized that!
Back to the topic.... Chan gives numerous paragraphs explaining signs that you can use to self asses whether or not you're on the path or headed down the path of "Lukewarnness". Here are a few (paraphrased)..
A) Lukewarm people go to church because they feel as a Christian that is what they should do.
B) Lukewarmers give financially as long as they can sleep at night knowing they're still financially secure.
C) Lukewarm people tend to make decisions based on appearance rather than what they know God would do.
D) Lukewarm Christians don't want to be saved from their sin; only the penalty of sinning.
E) Lukewarmers don't share their faith with those around them for fear of rejection, or uncomfortability.
F) They say they love Jesus, and He's a part of their lives. But he's only a part. They can't give him complete control.
G) Lukewarm people gauge their morality or "goodness" by the secular world.
H) Lukewarmers (This is what I'm talking about) don't love God with their heart, soul, and strength, they claim they try to, but that sort of devotion isn't possible for the average person, it's for pastors and missionaries.
I) They love others, but they don't seek to love others as much as they love themselves. Their love of others is focused on who will love in return; family or friends they can connect with. They don't focus on the ones that cannot love them back.
J) Lukewarm people think about life on Earth much more than they will think about Eternity in Heaven. Their daily life is focused on a to-do list, or planning next month's vacation; (C.S. Lewis -->) "If you read history you will find that the Christians who did the most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this."
K) They are slaves to control.
L) They don't live by faith. They live a structured life so they don't have to. If something were to happen in their life, they have a way to fix it without needing God's help. If he didn't exist, they would be just the same.
M) Lukewarm Christians probably drink and swear less than most, which is about the only thing separating them from average. They equate their holiness with their partially sanitized lives.
Sooooo... I can admit to struggling with a few of those. I most likely struggle with all of them and I'm either in denial or just can't see it because the definition isn't identical to my problem. I can say, if I got nothing else out of that, I got one that hits me way too often and I just turn the other way; tithing.
With each of his paragraphs he follows with scripture to back up the opposite of it. Which SUCKS. Because, God tells us in his own words that being like that is directly the opposite of what he wants. In fact, being lukewarm is worse than not being his child at all! Luke 14:34-35 tells us just that. I'll leave you with this thought-- "It is not scientific doubt, not atheism, not pantheism, not agnosticism, that in our day and in this land is likely to quench the light of the gospel. It is a proud, sensuous, selfish, luxurious, church-going, hollow hearted prosperity. "
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