Sunday, August 7, 2011

Catching Up

     I feel like I've been out of my routine for a month now. As most humans, I believe, I'm a creature of habit. I have the same weekly routine, shaped around my lack of social life and the gym. Love every minute of it! This past month though, has felt rather insane. Not in a bad way, just an usual way. I've been out of town, or had people in town every weekend for a month, which means money spent, eating out, and being very tired. I have no idea if it's over yet, but I've been out of my blog routine, (not that there really is one...) and anything normal to me. It's nice to change it up every once in a while, but it's always nice to get back to my comfortable niche.
     I don't have much important to say, as nothing story worthy has occurred.. well... I played an epic game of dare last night. I wasn't aware what I was getting into, but I loved every minute of it! The dares I received consisted of switching clothes with a guy (I had a strapless dress on), so that meant going into the bedroom and stripping with someone I've never met hah! I conquered that. Second, I had to climb up a ledge in the house and do a sexy dance to music, and third I had to strip to my bra and underwear and skip to a stop sign and back with another in his underwear. I was used in one, while they had to lick my armpits twice. Let me tell you... I screamed very loudly.
     Other things happened like fitting 4 adults in one bed, or eating an entire slice of cheesecake (from the only place to buy cheesecake.... THE cheesecake factory :)) for my birthday. It's been a good long month, but I'm good with getting back to the norm.
     I get my body stats done again tomorrow, I'm hoping my month has been neutral or helpful haha. I sadly tend to lose weight when I get out of my normal, but maybe I did better this time :D

Matt Kearney just released a new album, and this is one of my fav's off of it.

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