Friday, August 19, 2011

Heels, Make Up, Time.

     Why do I barely ever look nice, cute, or hot? Because... it takes time. Not that I don't value myself enough to put it in, but I spend most of my time at the gym, and when I do go out, it's usually to go to the grocery store. I can't say I see the point in putting in an hour to get ready, when the outside world is going to see my for 10 minutes at the most.
     There's a prime reason to be ready for school! When I'm in school, I look nice almost daily. (Until I start working out at between classes, and keep my gym clothes on, but my classes are back to back, so no chance to do that this semester!) For some reason, my hair evidently only looks nice when straight. Which... sucks, because it's definitely curly naturally, and I would much rather not have to blow dry and straighten. TIME! Means getting up 40 minutes early, when I have to leave at 6:45.... I don't want to get up early than I have to! I feel like out there, somewhere far, far, away... There's someone that will love me even if I wear gym clothes every day. Ok... probably not, but I sure wish there was.
Then there's heels. I love them. We all think they emphasize a woman's legs, and that they're sexy as all get out. Only thing is... they're really painful! I MIGHT be able to get by if my classes are close, or if I invest in a good pair... but the cute pair I currently have, and love the look of, happen to be blister inducing! I won't lie, I love my legs! I would love to show them off! I think there's a way using platforms... maybe.... Zuzanna Light pulls it off using platforms! I'll look into that!
     Make Up. Oh make up! I'm very used to my face without you... and I'm cool with this. Little mascara, makes my eyes more noticeable, and that's all I want. Not only does make up add time to my getting ready (ok.. minimum, but everything adds up!) but I would rather someone think I'm hot, cute, whatever, being me. Yea, I know, it's just enhancing, but what's wrong with the color and blemishes I already have? They're not going anywhere! ...Probably the opinion of a child, but I think women can look beautiful with out anything to "enhance" them. I'll work on my want to enhance... give me time ;)
     Earrings? Yes. They're great. I have no objections to them! But let's be honest, they take 20 seconds to put on, and they make a big difference! No time wasted, enhancement made, and I didn't drastically change my personal face.. just added to it. I guess that's what make up is supposed to do too.. SIGH!

I mentioned a while back that I wasn't into the gym I was currently going to.. and I can't remember if I ever updated, but I have 4 friends there now! One works there, so I'm not sure if he counts, but he talks up a storm! One said something to me, because I was sitting in between him and a friend, and they were having an opinion difference (in good fun) and naturally asked the random person between them. Sadly for the one that talks to me now... I wasn't on his side. Steelers Vs. Cowboys? GO STEEEELERS! The third, I talked to first, and I did so because he was tossing weights around like a mad person (drop sets), and it was entertaining to watch. He's there every time I am, which will soon change as I have to go in the afternoon... Tear. Last, is my good friend whom I met because I love what I do! You can read about him here. He talked to me again since them, well, actually, everytime we're there at the same time, we converse quite a lot. His guess yesterday.... "How old are you.. 21?" HA! The day prior, he let out his past, and his troubles of the day. He's a super sweet guy (probably late 30's).  We clash on ways to work out, but we don't usually talk about them, just about life. Which he has a good bit of experience with, good and bad.

This song NEVER fails to put a massive smile on my face :) And this video... love it!

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