Friday, June 24, 2011

Physical Satisfaction or Emotional Satisfaction?

Soooo.. I took a vacation. And it ROCKED. I was in Atlanta for four days, and I... I experienced a few days of what it feels like to be loved. Weird way to describe it right? Or, maybe my definition of "love" is tainted.
I grew up in a perfect home situation. Parents didn't fight, I had everything I could dream of or need (within reason), and I was told "Love you" daily. For the recored, in my head, when you add the "i" before the sentence, it changes it completely. Anyways, the amount of communication issues we had my entire life, left me quite empty. I thankfully didn't turn bad to places to fill that void, like many teens do. I turned to the gym. That however, is an entire other story! But this vacation, I experienced a genuine persona of love. I was with people of my "kind," and when you can completely relate to those around you, it makes for a much deeper connection.
What did we do? We rock climbed, where I learned exactly what belaying is and how it applies to relationships, and God. We rode bikes, ate Ethiopian, had a mini Glee party, tested out Insanity, hiked Stone Mountain, saw Xmen, had a cookout,  hit the gym, and made vegan strawberry waffles with lemon icing! Every moment was memorable, and enjoyable. My kind of vacation!
Now, I'm back to my one person life, and while there's much to be thankful for here, I'd quickly trade worldly possessions for emotional fulfillment. Wouldn't you? Life can be sweeter when you have everything you want physically, but can it feel complete if you're emotionally empty? I've quickly learned I'm much more affectionate and loving with friends than those I actually like. Why is that? Perhaps some kind of mechanism to keep myself safe? Isn't self discovery an interesting thing?
It's not depression, it's just deep thought.

"Your flourishing self pours blessings into your relationships. You find other people to be a source of wonder. They often bring you energy. When you are with them, you listen deeply. You are struck by their dreams. You bless. You are able to disclose your own thoughts and feelings in a way that invites openness in others. You quickly admit your errors, and you freely give."

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