Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rock That Body!

     I'm not feeling chatty, so I'll dive right in. It's fairly common knowledge that I've lost weight. Nothing astronomical, but enough to raise my self esteem, and get complements. Not enough to make me conceited, don't get me wrong, but people complement me on the hard work I've put in. Everyone has their own reason to lose weight, but one of the biggest, or the biggest, is the individual doesn't like the reflection they see. The thought is, I can lose 15lbs, 50lbs, 150lbs, what ever it is, and I'll be able to appreciate what looks back at me when I get out of the shower. Not true. No matter what you weigh, or what you lose, you probably won't ever be satisfied with what you see. I hit the gym 6 days a week, I eat like I should, and I live a drama and stress free life. Sounds like I should be on cloud nine, eh? I wake up every morning, see myself in the mirror, and can't appreciate it. Don't like it usually. Sure, I'm satisfied with some things. I love my legs! I love the muscle I've put on... but honestly.. I hate my stomach. Doesn't matter how many complements I get, or what my BF% is-It's the one place I can't fix.
     So, while I have no appreciation for certain parts of me, I don't let it get to me. I. Rock. My. Body. I could play endless mind games with myself, and I could wear baggy clothes and walk around in self disgust, but that's pointless. I'm naturally optimistic, which is quite helpful in most situations. I feel like what I'm doing is adequate, and If I can't get my body to do what I want with what I'm doing, then so be it. I'm still going to have friends, I'm still able to workout, I'm still able to eat what I love, so it's not hindering me in any fashion. So, when I have a thought like "I feel so fat today".. I look at myself in the mirror, then I think to myself "You fit into a size 3 jean comfortably. Fat isn't in your vocabulary."
     All to make my point.. no matter what you lose, or how many times you get complemented, you will still have self esteem issues. But. Rock Your Body. You only have one, and it's a beautiful one. Life can't be lived to the fullest if you're walking around thinking "do they think I look fat?" or "suck it in, suck it in." Our society cares too much a bout waistline numbers and too little about inner beauty.

     This song says it all. Doesn't matter what you look like... Rock the Body you were given, or the body you've made for yourself!

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