Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Short Thoughts and Random Ramblings.

     Is it as interesting to you as it is to me, that you can have a perfect physical day, but mentally you're 6ft under? How is there no connection? Or is it all in a decision we make to be happy or not? Perhaps that's case specific? Either way, the mind body connection is quite unique. I've experienced it in my mind perception, my emotions, my thoughts, all in contrast to my physical being, and they rarely correlate. But when they do, it's like I've been given drugs I'm so over the top! Anyways :-P
     Baking today! Whoop! I love some good lonely kitchen time! (No sarcasm at all. I don't like people in my way in the kitchen usually.) Which brings to mind the fact that school starts two weeks from today. I'm ready to be back in school, and with people, and have things I have to do, but at the same time, I know I'm jumping into something I don't want. I'm pretty sure the world knows I'm vegetarian--People are telling me I'm not going to at all be successful if I can't taste stuff. So how do I pick between a grade and a personal decision? Yea, I'll touch it all you like, just don't ask me to consume it. I can see me coming across as a stubborn stuck up girl when the fight goes down. Blarg.
     On an up! I've downloaded all the dance songs I know, and I'm headed to the gym after lunch to see if I can use the aerobics room to get my groove on :-D! I miss dancing, and I have a carpeted living room, so  chances of some kind of injury from twisting are way too high. If they won't let me play music...... I guess I could dance with headphones on haha... Then I'll be declared insane for sure. As if I haven't already been. We'll see. I might blank in my sheer petrification and not be able to dance at all.
     But you never know until you try, and the worst they can do is say no.
Is sincerity something that should be controlled? Or should it be used when it is felt? I use it all the time, but I wonder if it could be overwhelming for the receiving party. Just a thought.
It's almost 11, I should do something at least half productive seeing as I've been on my couch for 2.5 hours. Was nice to sleep past 5:30 though!

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