Many a time have I felt like I should feel bad, or be ashamed or embarrassed for half the stuff I do, but... I just can't bring myself to. This is in more realms than one. I'll give you a few examples... maybe it will help you feel less ashamed or awkward in your next situation, because you will quickly see that there are people doing worse things than yourself!
Hip Thrusts. Heard of them? It's like air humping.... with added weight, and it's good for your butt. Yes, it's an awkward gym thing. Actually, when googling awkward gym exercises, it's in the top 10. The others are like hip adductor--which I also do, but I quit feeling the awkwardness of that a year ago ;). In fact, after only my second public hip thrusting session--done on the floor I might add-- I'm beginning to feel it's pretty normal. No, I know it's not, but my awkward threshold is near nonexistent, so I just don't look people in the eye and it's all good! (And I try not to make any noise while breathing.... with a weight plate on your abdomen, your breathing sounds change.)
Taking food into food places. Yea, I do it alllll the darn time. I know deep down there should be some shame felt, but when they don't offer anything I can or want to eat, you better bet I bring my own slice of pie, or nuts and protein for my oatmeal! I've done crazy stuff. Burgers in movies, pasta dishes into fine dining restaurants. You name it, I've dared to try it. And not once has someone told me I couldn't eat it either.
Skyping in public places. I could care less. I know people are looking at me while I sit and talk to a computer. They have no clue what on earth I'm doing! I'm sure I look like I should be in a mental institute, but skype I shall! It's the same when I see someone walking down the street talking to themselves, because you can't see the earpiece they have in (using their cell phone).
Tampons or pads. Men know that women use them. It's no secret ladies. So why the shame in carrying them around the store? Not feeling it! I dropped them on the floor once, that got to me a bit LOL, but other than that, I'll carry them in my hand. Nor do I have an issue admitting I feel like hell cause it's "That time of the month." I've also been asked to buy pregnancy tests before... Said I would. Sure, people are going to think I'm pregnant, but I know I'm not, so why does it matter what they think? (Helps I look a bit older too... I'd probably feel a little more judged if I looked 14.)
Cellulite. Sorry.... What? I'm sure I have it somewhere, but I missed out on that self conscious train! I can definitely admit it's something I've never worried about while rocking a bikini! (Or anything else showing considerable amounts of leg.) I'm probably blessed to have very little, but I'm not looking in the mirror hunting for it. Same goes with stretch marks. If most have them, why do you feel ugly? It's like feeling self conscious about having a nose--it's normal! Not ashamed here.
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